Indiana State University 

Office of the Controller

200 North 7th Street

Terre Haute, IN 47809

We are in Parsons Hall, Room 100. 

NOTE: Only for in person check or money order payments. 

Monday through Friday, 8:15am-4:30pm

In person or by phone.

Phone number: 812-237-3535

Visitors may park in the pay lot, located across the street from Parsons Hall, at the intersection of 7th Street and Larry Bird Avenue. 

Indiana State University maintains a website that gives current fees and other miscellaneous fee information. This information may be found at

Indiana State University academic fees are determined bi-annual and approved by the Board of Trustees in July. 

Yes. For details see Credit/Debit Card Service Fee FAQs.

Account analysts in Parsons Hall 100 are available to answer questions in person, by telephone on (812) 237-3511, or via e-mail at   

Specific questions regarding your financial aid should be directed to the Office of Student Financial Aid at (812) 237-2215, or via e-mail at  

The initial due date for each semester is the first day of classes.  Additional due dates may be found on the payment due date page.

What is a 1098T? 

1098T is a tax document which identifies qualified educational expenses paid for the purpose of claiming Tuition and Fee deductions, American Opportunity Credit, or Lifetime Learning Credit when preparing federal income taxes. Forms are made available to students by January 31st each year, as required by the Internal Revenue Services (IRS). Instructions for Forms 1098-E and 1098-T (2024) | Internal Revenue Service (