Residence Re-Classification
A person can have only one domicile at a time. The Office of Admissions makes the initial determination of residence at the time of admission. Students classified as non‐residents (those whose primary domicile lies outside Indiana) for the purpose of determining the rate of tuition may petition for in‐state status, if they believe they have been incorrectly classified as nonresidents.
Students who believe their residence status has been incorrectly classified at the time of their admission, should contact the Office of Admission as soon as possible to verify their status. Normally, non‐resident students who believe they qualify as residents or wish to be reclassified as residents before or at the time of their initial enrollment period, may do so by providing clear and convincing evidence that they have resided in Indiana for the 12 month period of time immediately preceding the first scheduled day of classes of the semester for which they are seeking residence classification. Students have the opportunity to appeal their classification both at the time of admission and anytime during their studies at Indiana State University. Complete and return to the Office of the Registrar, Parsons Hall Room 009, the application for Classification as a Resident Student, along with all appropriate support documentation from the list below no later than ten days prior to the first day of scheduled classes for the semester for which residence is sought.
For full consideration, all required support documentation must be submitted within 14 days after the application is received in the Office of the Registrar. Decisions will be rendered in writing electronically to the student’s school email address within two weeks of receipt of completed applications. Only written appeals will be considered. Decisions of the Appeals Committee are final. If an appeal is approved and a student is reclassified as a resident for fee‐payment purposes, the change in status becomes effective with enrollment in the semester or term immediately following the semester or term in which the appeal was granted. A formal appeal process is in place and is described below along with instruction as to the appeal procedure. Note: Students who have been granted residence for tuition payment purposes, whether through admission or appeal, retain their residency without qualification.
Then acceptable documentation as evidence for Undergraduates, Graduates and Military and access to the application.