Harry Truman Working at a Desk

This Library is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Robert Thompson. Dr. Thompson served many roles at Indiana State University, including Executive Vice President of the University Foundation, Interim Vice President of University Advancement, Assistant Vice President for Public Affairs, Director of University Community Relations, Director of Marketing, and Professor of Marketing. His years of dedicated service to the campus was greatly appreciated by his Indiana State University colleagues, and his commitment to student success and education is remembered by hundreds of his former students. 

The Harry S. Truman Library was generously donated to the ISU Department of Political Science. It is open to students and scholars alike interested in studying President Truman. The library contains selected newspaper clippings and books. Some of the Library’s content is as follows: 


  1. Year of Decisions, 1945, volume 1, Harry S. Truman
  2. Years of Trial and Hope, 1946-1952, volume 2, Harry S. Truman
  3. The Man of Independence, Jonathan Daniels
  4. Man of the People, Alonzo L. Hamby
  5. Harry S. Truman, Robert H. Ferrell
  6. Truman, David McCullough
  7. Conflict and Crisis, Robert J. Donovan
  8. Tumultuous Years, Robert J. Donovan
  9. Harry S. Truman, Margaret Truman
  10. Truman, Roy Jenkins
  11. Off the Record, The Private Papers of Harry S. Truman, edited by Robert H. Ferrell
  12. Truman the Rise to Power, Richard Lawrence Miller
  13. Harry S. Truman, Robert H. Ferrell [small paperback]
  14. The Autobiography of Harry S. Truman, Robert H. Ferrell
  15. Mr. Citizen, Harry S. Truman
  16. From Yalta to Panmunjom, Truman's Diplomacy and the Four Powers, 1945-1953, HUA Quingzhao
  17. The Civil Rights Legacy of Harry S. Truman, Edited by Raymond H. Geselbracht
  18. Harry Truman and Civil Rights, Moral Courage and Political Risks, Michael R. Gardne
  19. Harry Truman and the Crisis Presidency, Bert Cochran
  20. Last of His Kind, Charles Robbins
  21. This Man Truman, Frank McNaughton and Walter Hehmeyer
  22. Harry Truman and the Human Family, Frank K. Kelly
  23. The Truman Presidency, Cabell Phillips
  24. Bess W. Truman, Margaret Truman
  25. Dear Bess, The Letters of Harry to Bess Truman, 1910-1959, edited by Robert H. Ferrell

  1. Dear Harry, From Bess, Clifton Truman Daniel 
  2. The Marshall Plan, Charles L. Mee, Jr. 
  3. The Most Noble Adventure, the Marshall Plan and When America Helped Save Europe,  Greg Behrman 
  4. Harry S. Truman and the Fair Deal, Alonzo L. Hamby 
  5. The Truman Doctrine and the Origins of McCarthyism, Richard M. Freeland 
  6. Working With Truman, Ken Hechler 
  7. An Uplanned Life, George Elsey 
  8. The Soldier from Independence, D.M. Giangreco 
  9. Citizen Soldier, Aida D. Donald 
  10. Acheson, James Chace 
  11. Present at the Creation, Dean Acheson 
  12. Affection and Trust, The Personal Correspondence of Harry S. Truman and Dean Acheson, 1953- 1971, Introduction by David McCullough 
  13. From Roosevelt to Truman, Wilson D. Miscamble, C.S.C. 
  14. The Wise Men, Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas 
  15. The First Cold Warrior, Harry Truman, Containment, and the Remaking of Liberal  Internationalism, Elizabeth Edwards Spalding 
  16. Another Such Victory, President Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1953, Arnold A. Offner 
  17. Harry S. Truman Versus the Medical Lobby, The Genesis of Medicare, Monte M. Poen 
  18. American Gunfight, Stephen Hunter and John Bainbridge, Jr. 
  19. George F. Kennan, John Lewis Gaddis 
  20. The Working White House, text by Hayes Johnson; photos by Frank Johnston 
  21. Harry and Ike, Steve Neal 
  22. Churchill at War 1940-45, Lord Moran 
  23. The Last Lion Winston Spencer Churchill, William Manchester and Paul Reid 
  24. Truman Defeats Dewey, Gary A. Donaldson 
  25. The Upset That Wasn't, Harold I. Gulian 

  1. 1948, David Pietrusza 
  2. The Last Campaign, Zachary Karabell 
  3. Truman & Pendergast, Robert H. Ferrell 
  4. The Most Controversial Decision, Wilson D. Miscamble, C.S.C. 
  5. Truman's Dilemma, Paul D. Walker 
  6. Prompt & Utter Destruction, J. Samuel Walker 
  7. Downfall, Richard B. Frank 
  8. Genius in the Shadows, William Lanouette 
  9. A Safe Haven, Allis Raddosh and Ronald Raddosh 
  10. Truman and Noyes, Sidney O. Krasnoff 
  11. The Crucial Decade-and After, Eric F. Goldman 
  12. Iron Curtain, Anne Applebaum 
  13. On The Edge of the Cold War, Igor Lukes 
  14. Meeting at Potsdam, Charles L. Mee, jr. 
  15. Bloodlands, Timothy Snyder 
  16. Prague Winter, Madeleine Albright 
  17. Don't You Know There's a War On?, Richard R. Lingeman 
  18. Honorable Survivor, Lynne Joiner 
  19. Truman and the Russians, Herbert Druks 
  20. The National Security Legacy of Harry S. Truman, proceedings of 2003 Truman Legacy Symposium [TLS] 
  21. Congress and Harry S. Truman, a Conflict Legacy, proceedings of 2009 TLS 
  22. Israel and the Legacy of Harry S. Truman, proceedings of 2005 TLS 
  23. Retribution, Max Hastings 
  24. Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson of Kentucky, James E. St. Clair and Linda C Gugin 
  25. Harry's Farewell, introduction and edited by Richard S. Kirkendall

  1. Presidential Courage, Michael Beschloss 
  2. The Conquerors, Michael Beschloss 
  3. The President as Leader, Erwin C. Hargrove 
  4. Eleanor and Harry, edited by Steve Neal 
  5. Plain Speaking, Merle Miller 
  6. Strictly Personal and Confidential, edited by Monte M. Poen 
  7. The Words of Harry S Truman, selected by Robert J. Donovan 
  8. The Memorable Words of The Man from Missouri, selected and arranged by Ted Sheldon 
  9. The Trumans, Cass R. Sanduk 
  10. The Quotable Harry S. Truman, edited by T. S. Settel & Staff of Quote 
  11. Truman in Cartoon and Caricature, James N. Giglio 
  12. Harry S Truman a Pictorial Biography, Joseph Gies 
  13. The Quotable Truman, edited by David Gallen 
  14. A Pictorial Biography HST, text by David S. Thomson 
  15. "Give 'Em Hell Harry", Samuel Gallus 
  16. Foreign Aid and the Legacy of Harry S. Truman, edited by Raymond H. Geselbracht. Vol. 10 of  the Truman Legacy Series. Based on the Tenth Truman legacy Symposium, National Security,  May 2012, Key West, Florida 
  17. George Marshall, a biography, Debi and Irwin Unger with Stanley Hirshson 
  18. Selling the Korean War, Steven Casey 
  19. Harry & Arthur, Lawrence J. Haas 
  20. The Year of Indecision, 1946, Kenneth Weisbrode 
  21. Killing the Rising Sun, Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard 
  22. 1946 The Making of the Modern World, Victor Sebestyen 
  23. The Candy Bombers, Andrei Cherny 
  24. The Berlin Airlift, Jon Sutherland & Diane Canwell 
  25. Implacable Foes, War in the Pacific 1944-1945, Waldo Heinrichs and Marc Gallicchio 

  1. The Accidental President, A. J. Baime
  2. The Marshal Plan-Dawn of the Cold War, Benn Steil
  3. The General vs. the President, H. W. Brands
  4. A Preponderance of Power, Melvyn P. Leffler
  5. A Force So Swift, Mao, Truman and the Birth of Modern China, 1949, Keven Peraino
  6. The Allies, Winston Groom
  7. The Presidential Character, James David Barber
  8. The Presidency of Harry S. Truman, Donald R. McCoy
  9. Truman’s Dilemma, Invasion or The Bomb, Paul D. Walker
  10. Countdown, Chris Wallace
  11. Dewey Defeats Truman, A. J. Baime
  12. Saving Freedom, Joe Scarborough
  13. Israel’s Moment, Jeffrey Herf
  14. The War of Nerves: Inside the Cold War Mind, Martin Sixsmith
  15. Between Containment and Rollback: The United States and the Cold War in Germany, Christian Ostermann
  16. In the Shadow of FDR, William E. Leuchtenburg
  17. Brother Truman, Allen E. Roberts
  18. Proclaiming the Truman Doctrine, Denise Bostdorff
  19. The Truman Era 1945-1952, I.F. Stone
  20. The Awesome Power, Richard F. Haynes
  21. Truman’s Triumphs: The 1948 Election and the Making of Postwar America, Andrew E. Busch
  22. Mr. Truman’s War: The Final Victories of World War II and the Birth of the Postwar World, J. Robert Moskin
  23. The Truman White House: The Administration of the Presidency, 1945 – 1953, Francis Howard Heller
  24. The Trials of Harry S. Truman: The Extraordinary Presidency of an Ordinary Man, 1945 – 1953, Jeffrey Frank
  25. Harry Truman's Independence: The Center of the World by Jon Taylor

  1. Truman's Grandview Farm by Jon Taylor
  2. Road to Surrender by Evan Thomas
  3. From Failure To President by Clifton Truman Daniel
  4. Six Months in 1945: FDR, Stalin, Churchill, and Truman-from World War to Cold War by Michael Dobbs
  5. In the Shadow of Fear: American and the World in 1950 by Nick Bunker
  6. A Cross of Iron by Michael J. Hogan
  7. Dear Harry: Letters to President Truman by D. M. Giangreco and Kathryn Moore
  8. Advocating for Israel by Natan Aridan
  9. Envoy: The Untold Story of the Right-Hand Man of FDR and Truman by Susan S. Robert
  10. The Cold War Comes to Main Street by Lisle A. Rose
  11. Ascent to Power by David L. Roll
  12. The Lost Peace by Robert Dallek
  13. The Watchdog by Steve Drummond