Message from the Chairperson of the Department of English: Why Study English?
The two questions seem inevitably linked: “What’s your major?” always seems to be followed with some version of “What are you going to do with that?” Of course, as a chairperson of the Department of English, I would suggest that answering the first question with “English” or “English Teaching” will set you on a path to a rewarding career in a supportive and engaging environment that will allow you to explore your interests and develop the skills that employers say they want most: Writing, analytical ability, creativity, and teamwork.
Studying English at ISU provides you with a rigorous course of study that will challenge you and will offer you varied coursework with plenty of opportunities for experiential, hands-on learning. English majors will study literature, creative writing, and professional writing with faculty who are dedicated to your growth. When you graduate, you will join a network of alumni who are using their English major in diverse fields, from education, publishing, and law, to government, technology, and the corporate and non-profit sectors.
With an English or English Teaching major, you are prepared to write your own story.
For more information about degrees available from the Department of English, check out the “Explore Our Degree Programs” at the bottom of this page or reach out to us directly via the Contact information in the sidebar. When you’re next asked “What’s your major?” I hope that you will decide to say “English” or “English Teaching,” and that I will see you in the classroom around the department soon.
Dr. James F. Wurtz
Associate Professor and Chairperson, Department of English