This annual competition gives scholarships in both studio and arts writing areas

The Department of Art and Design at Indiana State University is pleased to announce our annual undergraduate scholarship competition. Online applications must be satisfied by March1. Each undergraduate scholarship provides an annual of $3,000 Minimum per year.  Awards may be renewed for a total of eight semesters of on-campus undergraduate instruction. Particularly talented art students may also be eligible for advanced placement within our program. 

This competition is open to high-school seniors with at least a 2.5 GPA.

A student must enroll as an Art and Design major.

Applicants must be admitted to the University for enrollment commencing the Fall semester, before applying for the scholarship. 

Rules for the competition and instructions regarding how to apply are found on the links below. Students should pay particular attention to the directions for the digital portfolio presentation, and should consult with their art teacher in preparing their materials. Students interested in pursuing the Art History program may also submit an article or research paper pertaining to a visual arts subject. 

Click here to apply for admission to Indiana State University

Click here To view the Application details

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