Where is the Sycamore Pantry located?

The Sycamore Pantry is located on the 7th floor of the Hulman Memorial Student Union building (HMSU).

How often can students visit the Sycamore Pantry?

Once per week!

How much food can a student take?

1 single student is allotted 13 food items and 3 non-food items (if needed)
1 couple is allotted 18 food items and 4 non-food items (if needed)
1 couple + 1 child are allotted 21 food items and 5 non-food items (if needed)
1 couple + 2 or more children are allotted 24 food items and 6 non-food items (if needed)

What information do students need to bring?

Sycamore Pantry users must bring in their student ID. If you’re a returning shopper, please bring back your Sycamore Food Pantry bag to shop with!

How does it work?

Watch a pantry appointment walk-through in the video below.

Remote video URL