Position Category Summaries

*Faculty, Executive/Administrative/Professional Staff, and a select group of salaried student employees are paid on the Exempt Payroll. 


Revised May 2020

This section is intended to summarize payroll policies and procedures for the Exempt Staff Payroll of Indiana State University and is provided for general information purposes only. For additional information, please contact the Payroll Office, 408 Rankin Hall, telephone (812) 237-

Faculty, executive/administrative/professional staff, as well as a select group of salaried student employees are paid on the Exempt Staff Payroll. For full-time faculty, executive/administrative/professional staff, and Exempt Staff student appointments, an Electronic Personnel Assignment Form (EPAF) is prepared. Faculty EPAFs are prepared by Academic Affairs, and all others are prepared by Human Resources. Part-time and temporary faculty appointments are also authorized by the EPAF. These are the official authorizations to pay a salary, to change a salary or other pertinent information, or to terminate an appointment. Approvals may be found in People Admin 7 (PA 7) for any position posted and filled through that process or in Banner for EPAFs created outside the PA 7 process. The Exempt Staff Payroll also includes some one-time payments, which are authorized by properly endorsed One Time Pay Authorizations.

Salaried employees are paid equal monthly increments of their annual salaries according to the term of appointment. The defined pay period for the Exempt Staff Payroll is the first day of the month through the last day of the month. However, the actual work period varies depending upon the position type. For purposes of salary adjustments, pay for executive/administrative/professional staff, faculty and residence hall staff are based on a five-day work week.

Each department should designate a timekeeper, who is an employee serving as a point of contact for payroll reminders and special instructions. In departments receiving the Recap Time Sheets, duties will include assuring that the recaps are accurately posted, totaled, properly signed and submitted when due. A backup timekeeper should also be designated so that payroll reporting functions are still accomplished promptly in the event of the absence of the primary timekeeper. Timekeepers are authorized by the department head by completing the Departmental Timekeeper Authorization form. A list of departmental contacts and contact information is maintained in the Payroll Office for the purpose of efficient communication of special payroll events.

Executive/administrative/professional staff and fiscal faculty are required to report use of benefit time through Banner Web Leave Reporting. The leave report must be submitted for approval by the 6th of every month for the prior month. Approval of all leave reports must be completed by the 10th of every month. Approvers are to designate a Proxy so that approval functions are still handled in the absence of the approver. Approvers are authorized by the department head by completing the Banner Leave Reporting Authorization Form. All benefits-eligible faculty and coaches utilize Recap Time Sheets for reporting leave taken during each pay period. Recap Time Sheets are emailed to departmental timekeepers on the day the Exempt Staff Payroll is released (usually the 1st of each month) and include pay
period and leave-reporting period dates. They list all the benefits-eligible, exempt employees in the department and display the leave balances available for each employee. The designated timekeeper in each department is to post the use of benefit time or unpaid time on the Recap Time Sheet, using the appropriate columns. A comments column is provided for posting additional information such as termination
date. Department totals should be entered on the last page of the Recap Time Sheets and signed by the department head or departmental timekeeper designated by the department head. Properly completed recaps are due in the Payroll Office by 11:00 AM on the return date displayed at the top of the Recap Time Sheet. Special due dates and times may apply during months when holidays occur.

The monthly employee roster is sent via email to each department head and their designated proxy prior to the completion of the monthly payroll. The monthly employee roster lists all exempt employees authorized to work in a department during the pay period. The roster also displays the leave balances available to each employee. The department head or designated proxy is to notify the Exempt Staff Payroll Coordinator prior to the upcoming pay date of anyone on the roster who should not be receiving payment on the upcoming payroll or of anyone who has overused their leave balances.

Faculty and staff are obligated to report any absences to the appropriate department head. Sick leave accrues with each pay for benefits-eligible employees paid on the Exempt Staff Payroll. Executive/administrative/professional staff also accrue vacation time and may use up to two days per fiscal year for approved community service leave. When necessary, the University provides employees with other benefit time, which includes funeral leave, jury duty, and military leave. Benefit time must be used to replace time not worked when benefit balances are available. Sick leave, funeral leave, jury duty, and military leave may be used only for reasons outlined in the Policy Library. When sick leave is claimed in excess of the available balance, and a vacation balance exists, the Payroll Office will charge the vacation balance in
order to remain in compliance with university policy. When available balances are exhausted, days missed will be unpaid, and a leave without pay should be processed by the department head. Department heads are responsible for the accuracy of reporting absences.

In the event the department head is unable to sign the Recap Time Sheet, the approval signature should be affixed by the authorized timekeeper, then submitted to the Payroll Office when due. All signatures must be in ink. Signature stamps are not acceptable.

University-designated holidays are listed in the Policy Library. Time off with pay for university-designated holidays will be granted to all benefits-eligible employees provided they have payable hours for the last workday before the holiday and for the first workday following the holiday. Employees who are required to work will receive pay according to the policies in the Policy Library.

Deductions from pay are made when the Payroll Office receives the appropriate authorization. The employee will authorize voluntary deductions, such as health coverage, voluntary life insurance, vision insurance, and tax-deferred annuities. The employee may elect an option for some voluntary deductions to be made with pre-tax dollars. Information regarding available voluntary deductions may be obtained by contacting Employee Benefits. Involuntary deductions, such as child support, tax levies and garnishments, are ordered by a court or government agency and will be taken from each Exempt Staff pay with no exception.

Deductions from pay are made on each pay cycle for federal, state, and county income tax withholding, and FICA (Social Security and Medicare) taxes. Employees should provide the Payroll Office with new withholding forms whenever a change in status occurs, such as a change in personal allowances, marital status, or a change in residence which may affect county income tax withholding. Tax withholding
forms are available in the Payroll Office and on the payroll root site or may be updated online through Employee Self-Service.

Effective July 1, 2000, all newly hired employees are required to authorize electronic (ACH) direct deposit of their pay. All other employees are encouraged to take advantage of the benefits of ACH direct deposit. Employees must complete a Direct Deposit Authorization Form and provide a voided check or other appropriate document to verify account information. Direct Deposit Authorization Forms are available in
the Payroll Office or on payroll's Employee Root Site. Direct Deposit may also be updated online through Employee Self-Service. Please be sure to notify the Payroll Office promptly and provide a new authorization when changing financial institutions or account numbers.

All University payrolls are issued on regularly scheduled dates, which are posted on the payroll web site. Exempt Staff Payrolls are issued on the first of each month. If the first of the month is a weekend or holiday, pay is issued on the last workday before the weekend/holiday, except for January (always issued on the first workday after January 1) and July (always issued on the last workday in June). Employees utilizing ACH direct deposit receive an electronic notification of pay, sent to their university-designated email address, on the scheduled pay issue date.

All terminations, whether voluntary or involuntary, should be coordinated through Human Resources and the appropriate vice president’s office immediately upon notice of resignation. Prompt communication of termination dates is essential in order for the University to comply with final pay requirements and benefits administration. In most cases, the last day of work will become the effective termination date. The
appropriate pay authorization indicating termination information must be submitted to the Payroll Office. Use the comments section of the Recap Time Sheet to confirm the last day worked and to indicate any additional use of benefit time past the end of the reporting period. When applicable, the final pay will include a payoff of unused vacation. Arrangements for the return of university property should be made prior to
the final pay. According to Indiana statute, final pay may not be withheld.

Payroll Office

408 Rankin Hall
FAX (812)237-8893

Exempt Staff Payroll Coordinator & Assistant Payroll Manager

408 Rankin Hall 
Susan Guell

Employee Benefits

307 Rankin Hall (812)237-4151 
FAX (812)237-8084 

Human Resources

307 Rankin Hall
FAX (812)237-8331

Hourly non-student employees of Indiana State University are paid biweekly on the Non-Exempt Payroll.


Revised February 2024

This sheet is intended to summarize payroll policies and procedures for the Non-Exempt Staff Payroll of Indiana State University and is provided for general information purposes only. For additional information, please contact the Payroll Office, 408 Rankin Hall, (812) 237-3533 or visit our website.

Hourly non-student employees of Indiana State University are paid biweekly on the Non-Exempt Staff Payroll. Non-exempt staff appointments are processed through the Human Resources Office upon recommendation of the supervisor and appropriate vice president. An Electronic Personnel Assignment Form (EPAF) is prepared by Human Resources for each person; this is the official authorization to pay a salary, to change a salary or other pertinent information, or to terminate an appointment. Approvals may be found in People Admin 7 (PA 7) for any position filled through that process. A Personnel Assignment Status Sheet (PASS) may by processed in lieu of the EPAF in certain situations.

The pay period consists of two work weeks. Each work week begins at one minute past midnight on Saturday morning and ends the following Friday at midnight. The shift start time determines the day to which the hours worked are attributed. The standard number of hours in a pay period for most full-time non-exempt staff employees is 75 hours, based on a 37.5-hour workweek. Pay period dates are posted on the payroll website.

At the end of each pay period, a roster is emailed to each primary and secondary departmental timekeeper as well as the department head. The roster lists all non-student, non-exempt employees authorized to work in a department during the pay period. Also included are available leave balances for each employee and instructions for situations regarding new or terminating employees. Authorization to receive a roster can be obtained by completing the Departmental Timekeeper Authorization form.

Each non-exempt employee is required to maintain a record of hours worked and benefit time claimed by utilizing the UKG time and attendance system. All hours spent working must be reported. Detailed guidelines for timekeeping found here.

At the end of each pay period, all benefits-eligible employees are required to apply electronic approval to their UKG timecards after verifying accuracy of the time being reported. Temporary non-benefits-eligible employees are encouraged to electronically approve their timecards when feasible within the context of their jobs. All timecards must bear the electronic approval and sign off of the supervisor or other person as authorized by the department head. Employees are granted access to UKG timecards within a department by submitting the UKG Access Authorization Form. Passwords must not be shared. At no time should a user log into the system as someone else. Contact the Non-Exempt Staff Payroll Specialist for special situations regarding electronic approvals.

A departmental timekeeper is an employee whose responsibilities include payroll reporting. Each department head should designate a timekeeper, who shall assure that the employee and supervisor electronic approvals have been applied when due. A backup timekeeper should also be designated so that payroll reporting functions are still accomplished promptly in the event of the absence of the primary timekeeper. Timekeepers are authorized by the department head by completing the UKG Access Authorization Form. A list of departmental contacts and contact information is maintained in the Payroll Office for the purpose of efficient communication of special payroll events.

Based on a 37.5-hour work week, any hours in pay status exceeding 37.5 hours will be paid at the rate of one and one-half times the employee’s base hourly rate. Employees whose schedule is based on a 40-hour work week will receive overtime for any hours in pay status which exceed 40 hours. Benefit time is included in the calculation of overtime. PT No Benefit Staff will be paid at the rate of one and one-half times the employee's base hourly rate for hours worked over 37.5 in a work week.

University-designated holidays are listed in the Policy Library. Time off with pay for university-designated holidays will be granted to all benefits-eligible employees provided they have payable hours for the last workday before the holiday and for the first workday following the holiday. Employees who are required to work will receive pay according to the policies in the Policy Library.

Non-exempt/Non-Exempt Professional staff employees are obligated to report any absences to the appropriate supervisor or department head. For benefits-eligible staff, vacation and sick leave time accrue with each pay. Non-Exempt Staff (except for Non-Exempt Professionals) are granted one convenience day per fiscal year. Benefits-eligible employees may also use up to two days per fiscal year for approved community service leave. When necessary, the University provides employees with other benefit time, which includes funeral leave, jury duty, and military leave. Benefit time must be used to replace standard hours not worked when benefit balances are available. Sick leave, funeral leave, jury duty, and military leave may be used only for reasons outlined in the Policy Library. When standard hours are not met, and benefit time is not claimed, the Payroll Office will charge first the convenience day balance, then the vacation balance in order to remain in compliance with university policy. Only when both balances are exhausted can leave without pay be processed. The use of benefit time for a portion of a day may not cause that day’s total payable hours to exceed the hours in a standard workday. Department heads are responsible for the accuracy of reporting absences.

Deductions from pay are made when the Payroll Office receives the appropriate authorization. The employee will authorize voluntary deductions, such as health coverage, voluntary life insurance, vision insurance, and tax-deferred annuities. The employee may elect an option for some voluntary deductions to be made with pre-tax dollars. Information regarding available voluntary deductions may be obtained by contacting Employee Benefits. These deductions will be taken on the first two biweekly pays of each month. Each year there are two months in which a third biweekly pay occurs; most voluntary deductions will not be withheld on the third pay. Involuntary deductions, such as child support, tax levies and garnishments, are ordered by a court or government agency and will be taken from each pay with no exception.

Deductions from pay are made on each pay cycle for federal, state, and county income tax withholding, and FICA (Social Security and Medicare) taxes. Employees should provide the Payroll Office with new withholding forms whenever a change in status occurs, such as a change in personal allowances, marital status, or a change in residence which may affect county income tax withholding. Tax withholding forms are available in the Payroll Office and on the Payroll Employee Sycamore Root Site or may be updated online through Employee Self-Service.

All employees are required to authorize electronic direct deposit of their pay. Direct Deposit may be updated online through Employee Self Service. Direct Deposit Authorization Forms are also available in the Payroll Office or on the Payroll Office website. Employees must complete a Direct Deposit Authorization Form and provide a voided check or other appropriate document to verify account information. Please be sure to notify the Payroll Office promptly and provide a new authorization when changing financial institutions or account numbers.

All University payrolls are issued on regularly scheduled dates, which are posted on the Payroll Office website. Non-Exempt Staff Payrolls are issued biweekly on every other Friday. Special schedules may apply for holiday periods, and notification is provided in advance. Employees will receive an electronic notification of pay, sent to their university-designated email address, on the scheduled pay issue date. Pay details and history are available to all employees via the MyISU Portal.

All terminations, whether voluntary or involuntary, should be coordinated through Human Resources and the appropriate vice president’s office immediately upon notice of resignation. Prompt communication of termination dates is essential in order for the University to comply with final pay requirements and benefits administration. In most cases, the last day of work will become the effective termination date. Benefit time cannot be used on the expected last day of work. For benefits-eligible support staff, the final pay should include a payoff of unused vacation and unused convenience day. Arrangements for the return of university property should be made prior to the final pay. According to Indiana statute, final pay may not be withheld.

Payroll Office

408 Rankin Hall
FAX (812)237-8893

Payroll Website

Payroll Sycamore Root Site

Non-Exempt Staff Payroll Coordinator 

Vicki Gaunt

Employee Benefits

307 Rankin Hall (812)237-4151 
FAX (812)237-8084 

Human Resources

307 Rankin Hall
FAX (812)237-8331

*Hourly student employees and graduate assistants of Indiana State University are paid biweekly on the Student Payroll.


Revised May 2020

This section is intended to summarize payroll policies and procedures for the Student Payroll of Indiana State University and is provided for general information purposes only. For additional information, please contact the Payroll Office, 408 Rankin Hall, (812) 237-3533, or visit the Payroll Office Sycamore Root Site.

Student employees of Indiana State University are paid biweekly on the Student Payroll.

  • Non-Exempt (Hourly) Student Employees: To participate in student employment, a student selects a job from the job postings, applies for the job, and waits for an interview with the designated supervisor. If hired, the supervisor will complete the Referral Form and return to the student. The student should then present the completed Referral Form to Student Employment Programs and complete required employment forms, tax withholding forms, and a direct deposit authorization. A properly completed Referral Form is the official authorization to pay a student employee at a specified rate of pay and to charge the payroll expense to the appropriate departmental account when payable hours are submitted.
  • Graduate Assistants: Students who have been awarded graduate assistantships will certify agreement to terms by signing the Graduate Assistantship Pay Authorization, which also indicates the academic term of the award as well as the compensation amount and weekly service hours required. Required employment forms, tax withholding forms, and a direct deposit authorization are to be completed at Student Employment Programs. A properly completed Graduate Assistantship Pay Authorization is the official authorization to pay a graduate assistant and charge the payroll expense to the appropriate departmental account for the specified academic term.

WORK-STUDY POSITIONS – Non-exempt (Hourly) Student Employees Only
The Office of Student Financial Aid determines work-study award amounts for individual qualifying students. The work-study award amount represents the total amount a student may earn while in a work-study position. Earnings from all non-exempt positions held by the student employee may be applied toward the work-study award balance, depending upon the availability of the department allocation. When the award amount is exhausted, the department will either terminate the student employee, or retain the student employee and bear the full payroll expense. Concurrently, funding for work-study jobs is allocated to departments by budget area for an academic year. A department hiring a student employee who has been granted a work-study award is charged with 25% of the student employee’s payroll expense and the remaining 75% is charged to the departmental work study allocation. When the departmental allocation is exhausted, the department will either terminate the student employee for lack of sufficientfunding, or retain the student employee and bear the full payroll expense.

Pay period dates are available on the Payroll web site.

  • Non-Exempt (Hourly) Student Employees: The pay period consists of two defined work weeks. Each work week begins at one minute past midnight on Saturday morning and ends the following Friday at midnight. The shift start time determines the day to which the hours worked are attributed.
  • Graduate Assistants: Semester award amounts are divided equally among 9 biweekly pays per semester. Academic year awards are divided equally among 18 biweekly pays – 9 per semester. No pay is issued on the first Student Payroll in January which falls between semesters. Proration of pay for late awards or early terminations is based upon the number of class days completed. Summer graduate assistantships are paid on Student payrolls ST-11 through ST-17 and align with the summer teaching calendar.

A timekeeper is a non-student employee whose responsibilities include payroll reporting. Each department should designate a timekeeper, who shall assure that the time-reporting tasks are properly completed in Kronos at the end of each pay period. A backup timekeeper should also be designated so that payroll reporting functions are still accomplished promptly in the event of the absence of the primary timekeeper. Timekeepers are authorized by the department head by completing the Departmental Timekeeper Authorization form. A list of departmental contacts and contact information is maintained in the Payroll Office for the purpose of efficient communication of special payroll events.

Timekeeping and time reporting for hourly-based student jobs are accomplished by utilizing the Kronos time and attendance system. Please refer to Guidelines for Student Payroll Timekeeping and Time Reporting, available on the Payroll Office Sycamore Root Site. Log in instructions for authorized users are also available on this web site.

The Student Employee Roster lists all student employees authorized to work in each department during the pay period and are emailed to departmental timekeepers on the last day of the pay period. The roster also displays the employees’ position-suffix numbers, the rate of pay, and whether the job is Primary or Secondary. Federal Work Study funding is also indicated. The roster is provided for the purpose of departmental review of the data displayed. Any inaccuracies should be reported to the Payroll Office promptly. For detailed instructions, please refer to ISU Student Payroll Reporting – Timekeeper Procedures, available on the Payroll Office Sycamore Root Site.

The Roster of Graduate Assistants lists by department all graduate assistants for whom Payroll has received a Graduate Assistantship Pay Authorization applicable to the current academic term. It is emailed to departmental timekeepers on the last day of the pay period. An authorized departmental representative who has direct knowledge of graduate assistant activities is required to notify Payroll if a GA is not meeting the conditions of their Assistantship or is no longer working in the Department.


  • Hourly Student Employees: Hours worked by student employees in hourly positions are processed in the Kronos time and attendance system by telephone clocking transactions or other approved method. Required approvals are applied electronically.
  • Graduate Assistants: Graduate assistants enter worked hours into Kronos each week and approve timecards electronically at the end of each pay period. Required departmental approvals are applied electronically.

Any hours worked in excess of 37.5 hours in the defined work week will be paid at the overtime rate of 1-1/2 times the employee’s base hourly rate (or blended rate if the employee works multiple jobs with different pay rates). Weekly service hours committed by a graduate assistantship are included toward the overtime threshold. The overtime expense will be charged to the hourly job being worked when the 37.5 hours were surpassed. PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS from pay are made when the Payroll Office receives the appropriate authorization. There are no voluntary deductions available on the Student Payroll. Involuntary deductions, such as child support, tax levies and garnishments, are ordered by a court or government agency and will be taken in accordance with the order on each pay with no exception.

Deductions from paychecks are made on each pay for federal, state, and local county income tax withholding, and for Social Security taxes when applicable. Student employees may be exempt from Social Security taxes during the academic year and while attending Summer Session classes. Students who are not attending Summer Session classes will have Social Security taxes withheld from their pay during the summer term. Employees should provide the Payroll Office with new federal and/or state withholding forms whenever a change in status occurs, such as a change in personal allowances, marital status, or a change in residence which may affect county tax withholding. Tax withholding forms are available in Payroll Office and on the Student Payroll Root Site or may be updated online through Employee Self-Service.

Effective July 1, 2000, all newly hired employees are required to authorize electronic direct deposit of their pay. All other employees are encouraged to take advantage of the benefits of direct deposit. Employees are asked to provide a voided check or deposit slip to verify account information. Please be sure to notify the Payroll Office promptly and provide a new authorization when changing financial institutions or account numbers. Direct deposit authorization forms are available in the Payroll Office or on the payroll web site. Direct deposit may also be updated through the MyISU Portal via the Employee Self-Service badge.

All University payrolls are issued on regularly scheduled dates, which are posted on the payroll web site. Student Payrolls are issued biweekly on every other Friday. Special schedules may apply for holiday periods, and notification to departmental timekeepers is provided via email. Employees utilizing ACH direct deposit receive an electronic notification of pay, sent to their university-designated email address on the scheduled pay issue date.

JOB CONTINUATION – Hourly Student Employees Only
An employing department may arrange for their returning student employees to continue working in the following academic year. In early summer, the Payroll Office distributes the Job Continuation Form and instructions for completing the rehire process. Timely completion of this form by the employing department enables the student employee to continue working in the next academic year without repeating the referral process.


  • Non-Exempt (Hourly)Student Employees: Student jobs authorized by Student Employment Programs through the referral process will remain active until terminated by the student or employing department, or until the student becomes ineligible for student employment. When a student employee no longer works for an employing department, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, the Student Employee Release Form is to be completed by the appropriate supervisor and sent to the Payroll Office. The Student Employee Release Form is an official notification to the Payroll Office that the student employee has been dismissed from the position. This form is available on the payroll web site. After the final time record and the Student Employee Release Form are processed by the Payroll Office, the student employee’s name will no longer appear on the roster. Arrangements for the return of university property should be made prior to the final pay. According to Indiana statute, final pay may not be withheld.
  • Graduate Assistants: When a graduate assistant resigns or is otherwise no longer fulfilling the terms of the assistantship, the awarding department is to notify the College of Graduate and Professional Studies by promptly submitting a Termination of Awarded Graduate Assistantship Form.

Graduate assistantship stipends are paid in nine equal increments on the biweekly Student Payroll throughout the semester for hours based upon the service hours listed on the Graduate Assistantship Pay Authorization. For Affordable Care Act (ACA) compliance purposes, graduate assistants are required to report actual hours worked during each pay period. Actual weekly hours worked may vary slightly according to scheduled breaks and departmental needs. Biweekly increments will remain the same unless otherwise instructed by the Dean of the College of Graduate and Professional Studies. It is recognized that the pay periods for the nine payments each semester do not exactly match the academic dates of the graduate assistant appointment term. As a result, the reporting periods at the beginning and end of each semester have special reporting instructions listed below. The intent is to match the amount paid to the amount earned as closely as possible.

Start of Semester
Per the Graduate Assistantship and Scholarship/Fee Waiver Award Guidelines under Term of GA Appointments, the term of the appointment begins the Thursday prior to the start of a given semester. Initial hours worked are to be reported in UKG for the pay period that includes the first day of the appointment and for each pay period

Fall semester breaks include Labor Day in September and Thanksgiving week in November. Spring semester breaks include Martin Luther King Jr. Day in January and Spring Break in March. These breaks are considered non-work periods for the assistantship. Time-reporting for these pay periods would include only the hours worked on non- break days. Therefore, hours worked in those weeks may be less than usual or none at all, but do not affect the biweekly payment amount.

End of Semester
Per the Graduate Assistantship and Scholarship/Fee Waiver Award Guidelines under Term of GA Appointments the term of the appointment ends on the Friday preceding commencement. Final hours worked are to be reported in UKG for the pay period that includes the last day of the appointment term. Please note that the final week of the
appointment term may fall into the pay period following the last payment. In this case, the graduate assistant is still required to enter and approve the final hours worked for that appointment term. As a reminder, the hours reported in UKG are for ACA reporting only and no additional pay will be issued for these hours since the stipend will have already been paid in full.

Work Outside the Assistantship
If any work is to be performed outside the assistantship (e.g., during break periods), prior arrangements must be made for a secondary job through Student Employment Programs. Hours worked on the secondary job shall also be reported in UKG and paid from the department’s student wage pool or other source. Total weekly hours worked for both jobs should not exceed 28 (or 20 for international students).

Time Reporting Instructions for Graduate Assistants
The document entitled UKG Time Entry Instructions for Graduate Assistants provides detailed instructions for graduate assistantship time reporting in UKG.

Beginning Fall 2015 Graduate Assistants will report the completion of their weekly
duties online in Kronos, rather than by Roster of Graduate Assistants that are
currently used.

  • Graduate Assistantships are not hourly positions. They are a type of scholarship with work experience. As such, assistantship duties should be intentionally designed to enhance the educational
    experience of ISU students.
  • All graduate assistants are required to report and approve weekly service hours in the Kronos timekeeping system, and those hours must also be approved by an authorized department member
    according to the due dates and times for each scheduled pay period. The approval responsibility lies with the department chairperson or supervisor even if the electronic approval task is completed by a
  • Graduate Assistants should accurately report the numbers of hours that they worked for the week (such as 16, 18).
  • It is important to accurately reflect the number of hours actually worked in order not to violate the Affordable Care Act or other regulations.
  • Graduate assistant hours worked should not exceed the number of hours indicated on the Pay Authorization (10,15,20).
  • Graduate Assistants will not enter clock in/clock out times.
  • Pay will remain at the hours expected in the Pay Authorization (10, 15, 20). It is assumed that the student will work on average per week the number of hours indicated on the Pay Authorization.
  • Graduate Assistants may work at an additional position on campus, as long as the total number of hours do not exceed 28 per week. The graduate assistantship hours do not fluctuate in this case. For
    example, if the graduate assistantship is established for 20, the second position may not exceed 8 hours. If a student works less than 20 hours at the graduate assistantship in one week, they still may not exceed 8 hours at the second position. International students are limited by the Department of Homeland Security to a total of not more than 20 hours per week.
  •  In the event of excessive absences, units should contact the Dean’s Assistant in the CGPS.
  • Termination of graduate assistantships is covered in the assistantship guidelines.

More information regarding Kronos time-reporting will be provided by the Payroll
Office at training sessions during the summer

Employees whose assignment is set up on the One-Time Only Pay Authorization Form or the Summer Instructional Pay Authorization Form are paid on the Supplemental / Summer Payroll.

Payroll Links

Social Security Administration - At the end of each calendar year the Payroll Office reports your annual earnings from Indiana State University to the Social Security Administration.  Social Security Wages reported on Form W-2 each year are used in calculating your Social Security retirement benefit.  The Social Security Administration web site contains a wealth of information regarding Social Security and also provides online services which includes a benefit estimate calculator.

Internal Revenue Service W-4 Withholding Calculator - Not sure what to claim on IRS Form W-4? The IRS has a W-4 Withholding Calculator as part of their web site.  The calculator requires you to answer a series of questions regarding your withholding status and based on the information you enter the program will calculate your anticipated income tax and recommend a withholding status for you.

Indiana Department of Revenue - This web site contains a variety of on-line tax forms, taxpayer resources and electronic services available through the Indiana Department of Revenue.

Net Pay Calculator - This is a useful tool for employees who have had a change in pay or deductions and are interested in how the change will affect take home pay.  This calculator is made available by PayCheckCity.com