The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is a campus committee empowered by federal regulations to oversee research activities involving human subjects. The IRB is responsible for the review and monitoring of research involving human subjects in order to assure the protection of the rights and welfare of the subjects participating in research.
The IRB utilizes IRBNet for the submission of all human subjects research studies. IRBNet is a web-based system of electronic tools to support the management, submission, review and administration of IRB protocols. Here is a Quick Start Guide for working within IRBNet.
Researchers are encouraged to go to the Forms and Templates tab within IRBNet and review the Institutional Review Board Documents for Researchers. Resources include the IRB procedures handbook, necessary forms, and tools to navigate IRBNet.
The IRB accepts applications on a year-round basis. The only deadlines are for protocols receiving full board reviews. Research activities in which involvement of human subjects involves more than minimal risk and does not fall within one or more of the exemption categories or expedited review categories, or involves certain vulnerable populations (e.g. prisoners) must undergo a full board review by a quorum of the IRB committee.
Office hours:
IRB chairperson Dr. Lindsey Eberman and vice-chairperson Dr. Whitney Nesser have IRB office hours. During the times listed below, they will be available on Zoom to discuss questions related to your IRB application. Plan to use these hours for any question or issue that cannot be addressed through email.
Dr. Lindsey Eberman's office hours are typically Wednesdays 9 am - 3 pm. Please schedule using Calendly (click here) 24 hours in advance. If you are unable to schedule during the available times please email Dr. Eberman directly at
Dr. Whitney Nesser's office hours are scheduled by appointment. Please contact Dr. Nesser directly to schedule an appointment at
If you have an existing/active application, please provide the application number to help Drs. Eberman or Nesser prepare for your meeting.