The Institute of Criminology

The Institute of Criminology is dedicated to furthering knowledge of the criminal justice field through research, training, and problem-solving projects. Several research projects are currently underway and new research projects will be posted soon. The Institute has relationships with agencies worldwide and assists those agencies in applying criminal justice research to the field. New training and consulting initiatives are being developed to further our relationships with various criminal justice agencies.

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The school participates in an internship program for students to explore the field of criminal justice. The internship provides students an opportunity to gain “real work” experiences in a criminal justice agency by completing 96 intern hours at an agency of their choice. Students can become involved in the day-to-day operations of the agency, allowing them to gain first-hand experience in professional criminal justice settings. The internship is a supervised experience that permits students to work directly with both agency personnel and clientele. The course also provides students with an opportunity to integrate academic and experiential knowledge through increasing knowledge, developing skills and clarifying values.

The internship also increases the likelihood of building professional networking contacts and mentoring relationships, helping students become more viable, experienced job applicants when seeking employment upon graduation. Many employers consider internship experience in the hiring process, and often look to their own interns as the best potential candidate for full-time positions. Internship opportunities are available with many local, state, federal and private agencies. Notable internship placements have included Indiana State Police, Indiana Law Enforcement Academy, Indiana Department of Correction, U.S. Customs Service, U.S. Marshall’s Service, U.S. Transportation Security Administration, and U.S. Department of Homeland Security.


Study Abroad and other Global engagement Opportunities

The School of Criminology and Security Studies provides regular opportunities for students to take comparative criminology and criminal justice classes both abroad and right here at ISU. Usual opportunities for study abroad include a 4-week late summer class in London in even numbered years and during odd numbered years, a 4-week early summer trip to Europe which includes a class at the University of Zagreb and post class travel to other area cities – past destinations have included Prague, Vienna, Bratislava, Budapest, Belgrade and Bucharest. These programs are “faculty-led” so that students have direct on-site faculty support throughout the entire trip.

Included in global engagement opportunities right here at ISU is a comparative criminology course with visiting students from the University of Zagreb during the 3-week early summer intensive session during summers of even numbered years. The class is a Crim 416 and past topics have included Global Drug Law Policy, Global Perspectives on Corruption and Global Perspectives on Therapeutic Justice.

For more information on the Crim related global programs, contact Associate Professor Lisa Decker, or the Center for Global Engagement, Education Abroad office at for more information. ISU also has many semester-based opportunities for students looking for a more generalized study abroad experience and the Education Abroad office can also help you with those programs.


Professional Conferences

Students routinely accompany faculty members to professional conferences where the students have an opportunity to visit and tour local criminal justice agencies, to meet students from other criminology and criminal justice departments, and to hear criminology and criminal justice faculty members from Indiana State University and other universities present papers. Our graduate students themselves routinely present scholarly papers at national conferences.


Specialized Courses

In addition to its regular curriculum, the school offers a variety of symposia to address special needs and interests in the field. Such courses have included "Satanic Cults and Hate Groups," "Serial and Mass Murderers," “Law Enforcement Intel,” “Psyche of Terrorism”, “Special Needs Offenders,” “Correctional Institutions of Indiana” "Crime and Media” “Global Criminal Justice Issues" "Serial and Mass Murderers," "Advanced Criminalistics, “Forensic Photography”, “Introduction to Private Security”, “Crime Analysis”, “Probation and Parole”, “White Collar Crime”, Comparative Criminal Law," "Legal Aspects of Private Security," "Terrorism," and "Drug and Alcohol and Crim."