Student Complaint and Grievance Information

A student who believes his or her rights have been violated by a faculty or staff member, or by another student, may submit complaints and follow Indiana State’s grievance procedure. Review the proper procedures and additional guidance.


Students who believe their rights have been violated by another student or a faculty or staff member should first attempt to resolve the matter by informally discussing the situation with the person(s) involved. If this is not possible or is undesired, students may utilize the following procedures, as defined in the Code of Student Conduct.

First and foremost, any student may file a report with the University Police Department when they feel a violation of criminal law may have occurred.

If a complaint cannot be resolved after exhausting the institution’s grievance procedure, the student may file a complaint with agencies outside the institution.

External Agencies

Complaints Against:

A student may submit a written complaint to the Dean of Students Office for review. If the complaint is found to be with merit, the Dean of Students Office will then submit the complaint on the student's behalf to the appropriate office or department for resolution.

arrow_forward Contact the Dean of Students Office

A written complaint should be made to the administrative officer who is the immediate supervisor of the person involved in the alleged violation. The appropriate administrative officer may be a department head or similar academic officer, if one exists within the particular school or unit involved; or the dean or director of a school or unit, if the school or unit does not have a department head or similar academic officer. A dean or director of the school or unit may adopt a rule that formal complaints are to be submitted to the dean or director.  

The administrative officer receiving the formal complaint will determine whether or not the complaint has merit. Complaints with merit will be reviewed and resolved by the appropriate department or office for resolution. If the complaint is not determined to be justifiable, the complaint procedure ends. 

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The University has established procedures for handling allegations of discrimination and harassment. Complaints of discrimination, including harassment, based upon age, race, color, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, marital status, national origin, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation, should be submitted in writing to the Indiana State University Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX.  

Complaints by a student against another student should be referred to the Dean of Students Office for resolution under the student conduct system.  

arrow_forward Submit a Report

When the alleged violation is committed by a student employee, a written complaint may be submitted to the department supervisor for whom the student employee works. A written complaint may also be submitted to Student Employment Office for review. If the complaint is found to be with merit, the Student Employment Office will then submit the complaint on the student’s behalf to the appropriate office or department. 

arrow_forward Contact the Student Employment Office

Pursuant to the United States Department of Education’s Program Integrity Rule, Indiana State is required to provide all prospective and current students with the contact information of the state agency or agencies that handle complaints against post-secondary education institutions offering distance learning or correspondence education within that state. Students residing in other states while enrolled in a course offered by Indiana State are asked to utilize the institution’s internal complaint procedures prior to filing a complaint with the state agency or agencies. However, if the complaint is not resolved through these processes, a student may use the state list below to identify the office(s) where a complaint may be filed in the state where the student resides.

State Contact Information for Online Students


arrow_forward SARA Complaint Form

Filing a Complaint as a Student Organization  

 A student organization that believes its rights have been violated by a student, the university, a person working for the university, or another university-affiliated organization may submit a written complaint with the Dean of Students Office. Complaints with merit will be submitted on the student organization's behalf to the appropriate department or office for resolution. 

Contact the Dean of Students Office


File with the Indiana Commission for Higher Education  

 Pursuant to policy for the State of Indiana, after utilizing the institution’s internal complaint processes, students may file a complaint with the Indiana Commission for Higher Education within two years of the alleged incident using their complaint form. Note that by law, the Commission cannot review complaints related to course grades, academic sanctions, or discipline/conduct matters, although it does have greater statutory authority in the arena of transferring credits between public institutions. 

Indiana Commission for Higher Education Complaint Form