I am Lascelles Garvey, a former Lieutenant in the USN.

As a former Lieutenant in the United States Navy, I have 7 years of experience possessing a comprehensive background in Naval Operations, Combat Systems, Engineering, Curriculum Development derived from conducting domestic and global operations in Mexico, Bahrain, Indonesia, Germany, Japan, and the United Arab Emirates. My military experience is not unique from any other current or former service member. We are held to a higher standard and are expected to complete the mission. PA school can be a stressful environment and at times, it feels like you are drinking through a fire hose. Yet our military training tailored us to operate at a higher level during stressful situations, to be steadfast in our values, and analyze vast amounts of information, while providing solutions to problems. Although the mission has changed, the training I received in the military has helped me throughout my time in PA school.
Meet our next Indiana State University's PA Program's Veteran Connection - Douglas Stevens