The Department of Chemistry and Physics at Indiana State University emphasizes hands-on research experiences for undergraduate students.

Undergraduate Research in Chemistry or Physics 

Students majoring in chemistry or physics are strongly encouraged to gain research experience by working one-on-one with a faculty member on a research project. There are usually opportunities for students at all levels, from freshmen to seniors. Interested students should contact the particular faculty member with whom they would like to work, and ask about available projects. The following are some of the potential benefits of a research experience: 

Resume builder: There's a lot of competition out there, whether you want a job in industry, plan to continue with graduate study, or seek admission to a professional program. Distinguish yourself from the rest with some research experience! 

Skill builder: Research projects provide essential experience with the equipment and software used in industry and other research laboratories. 

Elective Credits: You can earn chemistry or physics elective credit at the 300 or 400 level by participating in research.  These credits may count toward your chemistry or physics degree—talk to your academic advisor to find out.   

Scholarships: A portion of the departmental scholarship money is used to reward students who demonstrate a commitment to the research programs of the department. 

Travel: Many research students have presented the results of their work at the National American Chemical Society or National American Physical Society meetings. All agree that the experience was one of the highlights of their undergraduate career! 

There are plenty of reasons! Consider these:

  • It is a unique opportunity to work individually with a faculty member in your field.
  • It is an opportunity to apply and extend your classroom knowledge to contribute to the field of chemistry.
  • Independent research improves your attractiveness as a job candidate or as an applicant to professional schools.
  • If you are planning on attending graduate school - which consists primarily of research -  you will have a good foundation.
  • You can use CHEM 499 credits to fulfill part of your advanced elective requirements for the chemistry major.
  • You may achieve recognition for your work through presentations at a conference. You may eventually be a co-author on a publication in a professional journal.
  • Participation in research is one of the criteria used in awarding departmental scholarships.

Research is arranged by mutual agreement between the faculty member and the student. Contact at least two or three of the faculty members whose projects interest you. Indicate that you have an interest in research and would like to know more about their program. Faculty members are usually very pleased to discuss their research interests. After talking to the faculty, you'll likely have a couple projects from which to choose.

Chemistry: The Department has research programs in biochemistry, organic, analytical, inorganic, physical, and computational chemistry. 

Physics: The Department has research programs in theoretical and experimental physics.

Contact your academic advisor or talk to a faculty member for more information.

This depends on the number of research credits that you register for. Expect to do at least three hours of lab work per week (for 15 weeks) for each hour of credit. There may be library work, data analysis, or writing to be done outside the lab. You may enroll in up to four credit hours of research per semester, and may enroll again for research credits in later semesters. Expectations regarding hours in the lab and research credits should be discussed with your research supervisor.

You can start anytime, though most students begin research projects during the summer or at the beginning of the fall or spring semesters. It is best to plan ahead so that you know what project you will be working on when the semester begins.

Some projects only require a semester. But it's generally best to consider taking a couple semesters to complete the project. And if you particularly enjoy the research experience, consider working on one or more projects over several years.

Certainly, as long as you're doing well (getting A's, B's) in your coursework! It's never too early to get involved in research.

Yes, if you are a junior or senior. Otherwise, consider CHEM/PHYS 399. Up to four hours of CHEM 499 can be used to satisfy, in part, the advanced elective requirements of the chemistry degree. An oral presentation and written report are required at the completion of the CHEM or PHYS 499 project.

Freshman and sophomores can enroll in CHEM or PHYS 399 to receive research credits. These credit hours do not count toward the advanced elective requirements of the chemistry degree. However, they do contribute to the 120 hours required for graduation. Your research supervisor may ask you to prepare a written report at the completion of the CHEM or PHYS 399 project.

No. CHEM or PHYS 399/499 credit isn't required, but it is strongly recommended. Enrolling in CHEM or PHYS 399/499 officially recognizes (through a transcript) your participation in a research experience.

No. Most students doing research during the summer defer their research credits until the following fall or spring. You should consider the SURE program as an alternative if you want to do research during the summer.

Perhaps. Some projects pay, some don't. Check with your research supervisor.

Yes! You are always encouraged to enroll in CHEM or PHYS 399/499.

You should ensure that you complete the required number of hours in the research lab (45 hours per credit hour). CHEM or PHYS 499 credits also require that you give a final oral presentation and written report of your research.