College of Arts and Sciences Awards

The history of the College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor Award stretches back to the mid-1980s. From 1987 until 2012, a Distinguished Professor Award was given out to leading members of the College of Arts and Sciences faculty. In 2012 the criteria was revised and the Education Excellence Award was created to recognize a wider range of contributions to the College. There are two awards given annually; one for Tenure-track faculty and one for Non-Tenure Track faculty. The award is given on a rotating basis in the following areas: Teaching, Research/Creativity, and Service. 

Education Excellence Award. In 2017, the award for Non-Tenure track faculty was revised to include the single area of Teaching.   

The recipients of the Education Excellence Award to date are: 

2021: Kris Schwab, Biology, Tenure-Track for Teaching
2021: Miriam (Maia) Mattsey, English, Non-Tenure Track for Teaching
2020: Amanda Lubold, Multidisciplinary Studies, Tenure-Track for Service