The Boulet Mentoring Program is a unique experience that pairs our business students with both peer and professional mentors. The goal is to enhance the educational experience by helping students develop through directed engagements and professional relationships that foster a sense of connection and community. The program is comprised of several key elements:

  • Peer-to-Peer Mentoring: Designed to connect new and inexperienced students with successful junior or senior business majors.
  • Professional Mentoring: Intended to provide skill development and growth for juniors, seniors, and graduate students through industry connections.
  • Living Learning Community: Immersive residential curriculum experience for incoming business students involving social and professional development opportunities.
  • Development Events: Specialized programming with executives and other thought leadership activities that connect students with practitioners.

The Scott College of Business Boulet Mentorship program is comprised of four key elements: (1) Peer & Professional Mentoring, (2) Business Student Living-Learning Community, (3) Executive Dining Experience, and (4) Diversity in Business Symposium. The goal is to enrich the student experience by helping students develop professionally through directed engagements and mentoring relationships that foster a sense of connection and community.

  1. Peer
  2. Professional Mentoring
  3. Business Living Learning Community
  4. Executive Dining Experience
    • The development program is designed to connect students with industry leaders.
    • The event includes networking, a business dinner, and a speaker presentation.
    • Takes place in Terre Haute (fall) and Indianapolis (spring) each year.
  5. Diversity in Business Symposium
    • Annual event celebrating diversity that brings together professionals and students to discuss inclusive opportunities and challenges within business.
    • Students, faculty, staff, and participating professionals.
    • Numerous professionals and corporate executives attend.
    • Students live on the same floor take introductory core business courses together, and
    • An immersive cohort learning experience designed to connect incoming freshman students interested in studying business with social and intellectual experiences.
    • An experience dedicated to providing skill development and professional growth for all upper-class and graduate business students. The program connects these students with a business professional in the field of their major or minor who supports their academic and career exploration/preparation.
    • A dedicated comprehensive experience connecting new and incoming students with a business major or minor with upper-class business students. The program helps students create an immediate support network and sense of belonging within the Scott College of Business.

The Larry and Buffy Boulet Scott College of Business Mentoring Program – Professional Mentoring, is an interactive experience dedicated to providing skill development, professional growth, as well as academic and career exploration/preparation for all sophomore, junior, and senior business students. During this opportunity, students will have the chance to connect with a business professional, referred to as their "mentor". Through guided discussions and events, our mentors will serve as role models and career advisors to the students. They will provide their mentee with encouragement, support and advice as well as professional insight, experience, and exposure to their network. On a monthly basis, students will meet with their mentor to discuss a variety of topics to aid in their success as a student and future leader in the workplace. Additional meetings may be determined by each pair.

What is a “Mentee”?

An Indiana State University sophomore, junior, or senior student pursuing a major and/or minor in the Scott College of Business. These individuals are seeking to enhance personally, professionally, as well as academically from a mentor and/or mentoring experience. They are looking to be paired with a business professional, where they will be responsible for attending meetings and events as they are available.


What is a “Mentor”?

A professional seeking to offer their expertise and guidance to a mentee and/or group of mentees. A mentor is eager to take part in a mentoring experience to enrich the lives of their mentees through conversations and events. At the Scott College of Business, our mentors will serve as a role models and career advisors to students by providing encouragement, guidance and support in academic and career exploration as well as career preparation. These individuals are motivated to make an impact and willing to invest time in the mentee’s success as a sycamore and future leader in business.


The Larry and Buffy Boulet Scott College of Business Mentoring Program – Peer Mentoring, is an interactive experience dedicated to helping students build a strong foundation and sense of immediate belonging within the Scott College of Business by connecting first year students with upperclassmen peers. This mentorship will strive to provide students with guidance, and advice to ensure a smooth transition to Indiana State University. During this opportunity, students will have the chance to connect with a mentoring community of similar interests through guided discussions and corresponding events. Each mentoring community will be led by a fellow upperclassmen peer referred to as their “mentor”. Our mentoring communities will participate in an academic year long experience, with various topics and events to support their first year as a student at ISU.

What is a “SCOB Peer Mentee”?

An Indiana State University freshman or transfer student looking to pursue a major and/or minor in the Scott College of Business. These individuals are seeking to enhance personally, professionally, as well as academically from a mentor and/or mentoring experience. They are looking to join a community, led by an upperclassmen mentor, where they will be responsible for attending meetings and events as they are available.


What is a “SCOB Peer Mentor”?

An Indiana State University junior or senior student with a major in the Scott College of Business. These individuals are seeking to offer their expertise and guidance to a mentee and/or group of mentees. They are motivated to make an impact and willing to invest time in the mentee’s success as a first-year sycamore. A peer mentor is eager to take part in an academic year long experience to enrich the lives of the mentees in their mentoring community.