Parking Services

Bus Initiative

Any Bus Ride is Free For Students, Faculty, and Staff with ISU ID Card

TRIP PLANNER and GOOGLE MAPS: Click on link to download app and plan your bus route

Interactive Bus Route and Map

  • The timetable identifies bus stops that are assigned a departure time. Between those designated time points, there are several bus stops that are not listed. If your stop is unlisted, identify the stop closest to your location. In the ISU Campus Route, you can flag the bus at any point of the route.
  • Arrive at your stop at least 5-10 minutes before the bus is due and wait at least 5-10 minutes after the scheduled arrival time. Our drivers make every effort to operate on schedule, but delays can occur.
  • Wait for buses at street corners, not in the middle of the block. Please flag the bus when it is approaching.
  • Please have your ISU Student ID card or similar ISU identification card ready when boarding.
  • Smoking, eating, drinking, and littering is not permitted on the bus. You are only allowed to bring onto the bus the number of packages that you can carry unassisted. The bus driver is not permitted to assist you in loading or unloading packages. Shirts and shoes must be worn on the bus. VIOLATION OF ANY OF THESE POLICIES CAN RESULT IN SUSPENSION OF YOUR RIDING PRIVILEGES.
  • The stop signal is located above or between the windows. Signal the driver block a block ahead when you need to get off the bus.

The one of the largest project that this administration will take on is the development and implementation of the Bus Initiative. This initiative was one of great interest during the election of our student leaders and this administration is charged with fulfilling student interest in having a university and city wide transportation system. This project is one of great significance to the landscape of our university. The Bus Initiative is a package of on campus and city bus routes along with a special evening route specialized for college student usage.


Construction employees are required to park with a Construction Permit in Lot N (11st and Chestnut), Lot D Ext (9th and Eagle), or Lot K (1st and Chestnut) when regular classes are in session. Contractors will be allowed to request an appropriate number of permits depending upon the project size for “core campus” parking. These permits should be used for carpooling or transporting employees to/from the construction and the construction parking lots. Contractors will also be allowed to have 2 foreman construction permits per project which will allow the foreman direct access to the construction project.

When regular classes are not in session (i.e. weekends, Fall Break, Winter Recess, and summer sessions [the Monday after commencement thru one week before move-in]) contractors and their employees will be allowed to park in any regular/open lot on campus with a construction permit unless the lot is reserved for an event.

To order permits, email Parking Services at or visit the office at 210 N. 6th street, Terre Haute, IN

Parking Violation (Ticket)

Parking Services do ensure that students, staff, and visitors have access to the parking spaces they pay for by providing consistent enforcement of all parking rules and regulations. The parking lots are patrolled by our Parking Services Community Service Officers.

If you receive a parking violation, it must be presented to the Parking Services office within 5 working days. You may pay the violation with either Cash, MC/Visa/Discover or check, made out to Indiana State University. After 5 days of non-payment, the amount will be charged to your account and will need to be paid in the Controller’s Office. Tickets that are not linked to an ISU student or staff: If payment is not received within 45 days of the date of the ticket, the debt will be passed to our debt collection agency. At that time additional collection costs may be assessed, if applicable. This could impact your credit rating, and therefore, we urge you to make payment as soon as possible. 

  • Parking Lot or No Permit violations are $30.00
  • Handicap Violation is $125.00
  • Yellow Zone Violation is $30.00

A vehicle will be booted and/or towed after it has accumulated 5 or more paid or outstanding parking violations. All parking violations fees owed and a $75.00 boot removal fee is must be paid in full to remove a boot within 48 hours. If vehicle is also towed, additional towing fees may be added.

Any attempt to move a booted/immobilized vehicle or remove the device may cause serious damage to the vehicle.

Appealing a ticket means that you do not agree with the decision of Parking Services to hold you responsible for the violation. If you feel that you have been ticketed in error or do not agree with the ticket, you may file a parking appeal with Parking Services (see below for examples of appeal reasons that will NOT be waived). The Parking Appeal must be submitted in writing. The forms are available at the Parking Services Office at 218 N 6th Street or can be filled out with the Printable Form, and mailed to ISU Parking Services, 218 N. 6th Street, Terre Haute, IN 47809. The appeal will be reviewed by the Parking Appeals Committee (made up of faculty, staff, students) and a decision to waive the ticket or to uphold the ticket will be made by the committee.

Appeal only when you have valid reasons. You should limit your appeals to those circumstances in which the parking ticket was issued in error and/or you did not commit a violation.

If the facts show that you committed a violation of parking rules, your appeal will be denied, regardless of the reason or excuse for committing the violation.

Your personal opinion that the parking rules are unfair or that there is insufficient parking on campus is not a legitimate basis for appeal.

Tickets must be appealed within five (5) working days of the date appearing on the ticket. Requests for appeal made after five (5) working days will not be accepted.

The Appeals Committee meets once a month if needed. The decision of the committee is final and a violation may not be re-appealed unless significant new evidence or proof is submitted. You will be notified of their decision by mail.

Examples of appeal reasons that will NOT be waived:

  • Lack of knowledge of the regulation.
  • Lost the citation.
  • Forgetfulness.
  • Parking only for a short period of time.
  • Had flashers on.
  • The meter could not have been expired more than a couple of minutes.
  • I had too much to carry to park in the lot.
  • Inability to find a legally marked parking space.
  • Had the wrong permit for the space used.
  • Failure to obtain a temporary permit.
  • Did not see a parking sign.
  • There were other cars parked improperly (“everyone else was doing it”).
  • I did not receive the ticket on my vehicle.

It is the responsibility of each member of the University Community to read, understand, and abide by the parking regulations. Ignorance of the regulations is not an acceptable reason for appeal of a ticket.  

Sycamore ID

Incoming Freshmen and Transfer students - to receive a Sycamore ID Card - visit Parking Services, 218 N 6th Street (look for the blue awning) to have your photo taken and receive your ID card.

Your Sycamore Card is your University identification card. You must have your Sycamore ID card on you when you are on University property.

The Sycamore ID card provides access to many of the University's special services including:

  • Library services
  • Food services
  • Recreational facilities/equipment
  • Athletic events
  • Theater events
  • Student Computer services

Your first card is complimentary. A charge of $15 will be assessed for replacement of damaged, lost, or stolen cards.**

Your Sycamore ID Card is nontransferable. Only the person to whom the card is issued is eligible to use the card. Sycamore ID Cards that are used by individuals other than the owner will be confiscated and destroyed. Destroyed cards must be replaced by the owner at the replacement cost.

If a problem occurs with your Sycamore ID Card, please contact the Parking Services office at (812) 237-8888 during regular business hours.


Parking Services Office - 218 N 6th Street - between Burford and Erickson  Students must show a state ID or driver’s license to pick up their Sycamore ID.

Hours:  Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 4:30pm

Returning students needing new Sycamore ID cards can visit Parking Services during normal business hours for a replacement.

New employees and students are eligible for a Sycamore ID card upon hire or enrollment at the University or as part of the orientation program. Identification documents must be presented in-person before the Sycamore ID card can be issued. Documentation must include a photograph and name information (passport, driver’s license or state identification card). If you do not have this documentation, please consult with a Parking Services employee for assistance. 

Similar to federal passport requirements, individuals are not permitted to wear any type of face covering, including veils, masks, or sunglasses that cover any part of the face during the photographing for the Sycamore ID card. Head coverings are allowed if dictated by sincerely held religious traditions, customs or beliefs, and if said coverings do not obscure the face. (Passport requirements: Unless worn daily for religious reasons, all hats or headgear should be removed for the all cases, no item or attire should cover or otherwise obscure any part of the face.)

**Please note: If your card is lost or stolen and you have a meal plan, please contact Dining Services at 812-237-4138 immediately so a hold can be put on your account. After business hours, contact the Campus Cupboard at 812-237-3869 to place a hold on your account and get a temporary meal pass.